Oil Paintings of Australia, New Zealand and back in Britain


a follow-up to the 2004 show Here and There
(being the Northern half of her round-the-world trip)

Sat 29 March – Sat 12 April  2008

All sizes in millimetres

2   ULURU  III  2006 – 08   100 x 170
Uluru is the native name for Ayers' Rock, which was given its English name by its white discoverer, in honour of the Prime Minister at the time.  Although a solid lump of iron oxide, hence its redness in certain light, it has caves and pools and textures.  Nearby is heavily commercialised and grossly overpriced but not the Rock itself, with its extraordinary presence.  The tourists do detract from the sense of isolation found in other geological formations, which do not attract so many people.  Nevertheless, it is one of the wonders of the world.

3   OUTBACK WINDPUMP  2004   207.5 x 100

4   MAN WITH TWO CARRIER-BAGS  2006   195 x 127
Seen on the approach to the Suffolk County Show.

6   FUNFAIR RIDE  2007 – 08   560 x 255
An attraction at the temporary fair on Southampton Common.

8   LADY KNOX GEYSER WITH FIGURES, N.Z.  2007 – 08   340 x 213
This geyser was discovered by accident in the 19th Century, when the local convicts came to do their laundry in the springs.  They were scared stiff, scattering when the soap they were using broke the surface-tension and set off the geyser.  Once they realised what it was, they built stones round it, now smoothed and covered by time.  It is an established, if low-key, tourist attraction, occasionally spurting for a whole hour, and is still set off during the day by the addition of soap.

This is an example of a picture 'taking over'.  It was to have been the participants and their colourful, flag-bestrewn tents at the World Volleyball Championships at Wide Lane Sports Ground, near Southampton Airport.  Once I'd 'laid it in' this far, it 'told' me that it was very nice as it was!  (I will work on the original concept later).
9   SWAYTHLING MEADOW  2007   285 x 420



12   TWIN SNOWY PEAKS, NORWAY  2004   198 x 115
Another, but smaller, version of Rugged Peak, exhibited in 2004's "Here and There".  That sold and, as an experiment to see if I could repeat the technique, I did another one...  and so on!

13   CRATER, N.Z.  2004   160 x 190

17   ULURU  II  2006 – 07   170 x 285

21   CORBIÈRE LIGHTHOUSE, JERSEY  2007  340 x 280
This is a recall of the first image I can remember as a child.  My parents spent their honeymoon in Jersey and a picture of the lighthouse stood on the dressing-table.  In 1949 I went on holiday with my mother and got to see the reality.  I was not disappointed, but only now have I thought of making a painting of it.

23  VICTORIAN ARCADE, RAMSGATE  2002 – 08   215 x 270

24   THE FAREWELL  2007   164 x 229

acrylic on paper   555 x 420
exh. in "Memory and Imagination" at Southampton
City Art Gallery, Jun. 2006

Although not a representation of specific stones, this is closer to the visual impression of the Pinnacles Desert than that seen in cat. no. 16.  Without climbing the formations, or flying, you can't achieve the near-aerial view that cat. no. 16 (imaginarily) shows.

28   SIAMESE CEREMONIAL  2004 – 06   425 x 425
exh. in "Into the Jungle:  Homage to Rousseau" at John Martin Chelsea, Dec. 2005

Entirely from imagination, stemming from images in Thailand with its ornate decorations, monks and orange-clad buddhas.  Orange has a special religious significance and flowers abound.  In the flower market there are swathes of orange flowers, some arranged into tall columns and large shapes as well as tiny posies.  There is a feeling of quiet celebration and reverence with these little nosegays hanging everywhere, even in taxi-cabs.

33   CLEY HILL, WILTSHIRE  2006 – 07   284 x 343
The hill is near Warminster, first seen when we turned off a main road on the way home.

34   CRICCIETH CASTLE, N. WALES  2006 – 07   316 x 348

35   THE ILLICIT CLIMB  2005 – 08   160 x 185
Uluru is sacred to the indigenous Australians who are very uneasy about all this climbing and the manner in which it is done.  There are T-shirts for sale, emblazoned with "I've Climbed Ayers' Rock" slogans.  To the native people, such behaviour is comparable with desecrating a cathedral's altar.

36   POPPY FIELD, TEST VALLEY  I  2003 – 06   265 x 345

20   POPPY FIELD, TEST VALLEY  II  2004 – 06   109 x 127

37   MOREAKI BOULDERS, N.Z.  2007 – 08   237.5 x 415
These are reminiscent of spaceships.  They formed 60 million years ago, around a central core of carbonate of lime crystals, which attracted other minerals from the muddy sediment on the sea floor.  The sediment contained shells and plant fragments.  The stones lay deep in the cliffs until erosion revealed them.  The outsides are smooth but where they are broken the white honeycomb centres are evident.

39   BEHIND THE BEACH-HUTS  2007 – 08   96 x 144
From imagination.

42   SULPHUR PIT, WAI-O-TAPU, N.Z.  2006   94 x 126

46   FOLK SINGER  2007 – 08   457.5 x 295
Based on the American, Mike Agranoff, performing at Fifehead Magdalen Village Hall in Somerset.

48   CLOSE HARMONY  2007   125 x 85
Based on the Cornwall-based trio, Thorn and Roses, seen at the same venue as Mike Agranoff (no. 46).  Like these, many images are etched into my mind from the prolonged intensity of the moment, or due to having to visually focus on an incident / person e.g. in the absence of a sketchbook.  Here, as I was at the back of the audience, drawing was useless:  in the dark, I could make no more than scribbles on an advertising flyer.

50   ULURU  I  2007   280 x 420

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